YAP - Expo2020 - 250 Models
Young Innovators Program at Expo 2020 Dubai
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One of our most remarkable projects, the Young Innovators Program at Expo 2020 Dubai, involved producing over 450 unique 3D-printed models based on tissue sketches from students across the UAE. This inspiring initiative celebrated the creativity and ingenuity of young minds, transforming their imaginative ideas into physical models showcased in a dedicated exhibition. Despite the ambitious scale of the project, Proto21 successfully executed it in just four months, demonstrating a seamless workflow that included consulting with students to refine their concepts, 3D modeling to convert sketches into digital designs, and integrating electronics and functional features.

We utilized high precision 3D printing and applied meticulous finishing and paintwork to ensure a polished appearance. Each model was then securely packaged and carefully installed on-site. The project stands as a testament to Proto21’s dedication to fostering innovation and nurturing the next generation of creators by merging cutting-edge technology with creative collaboration to bring young dreams to life.